Yet Comic Reader Preferences

Yet Comic Reader Preferences

Show open file dialog when Yet Comic Reader starts

When Yet Comic Reader starts, it will show dialog to choose a comic file to open.
But when "Automatically reopen files that were open at last quit" option is activated and there is any file to open at launching, this option will be suppressed.

Show open file dialog when reaches the last page

If this option is activated, when users click (or hit a key that equivalent requesting next page) on the last page of current file, Yet Comic Reader will show the file open dialog that users can choose the next file to read continuously.

Automatically reopen files that were open at last quit

When Yet Comic Reader quit, it always save the file list that are open status, so that reopen them automatically.

Slideshow Timer

Set time interval in seconds for slideshow mode.

Set Right-to-Left layout as default

Right-to-Left reading direction is the typical layout of Japanese manga.

Page Mode

  • Single Page
          A page consists of one image file from comic book archive (or directory)
  • Two Pages
          A page consists of two image files
  • Split Page
          Split an image file into two pages, useful when reading scanned comic book

     Fit Mode

    • No scale
              Display page within the original resolution of image file.
    • Fit to width
              Automatically adjust image magnification rate to fit the page by width of window
    • Fit to height
              Automatically adjust image magnification rate to fit the page by height of window

    Filename encoding

    Some comic archive files that have been created on legacy operating systems are not following the standard file name encoding convention (UTF-8). Because of this reason Yet Comic Reader has to 'guess' archive's original encoding method. Generally 'Automatic Detection' is enough to open the problematic comic file, but user can specify preferred encoding method.

    Confidence threshold

    If Yet Comic Reader finds the confidence value of automatic detected encoding is lower than this threshold, it will cause to ask for an encoding.